
All prices include VAT and refer to the amount available for the selected farm.


Cal Masover. 10 people.

Weekend, 550 euros.

1 week in high season*, 1.100 euros.

1 week in mid season*, 990 euros.

1 week in low season, 924 euros.


La Casa Nova (7 people)

Weekend, 385 euros.

1 week in high season*, 800 euros.

1 week in mid season*, 770 euros.

1 week in low season, 660 euros.


La Casa Xica (4 people)

Weekend, 220 euros.

1 week in high season*, 660 euros.

1 week in mid season*, 605 euros.

1 week in low season, 550 euros.


* High season comprises the Holy Week, Sant Joan, the second half of July, August and New Year. Mid season comprises the second half of June, the first half of July and the first of September. The rest of the year is included in low season.


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