


Rovellons als boscos del Lluçanès

“Rovellons” or “llenegues” are some of the treasures you'll find in the Lluçanès region.

“Rovellons” or “llenegues” are some of the treasures you'll find in the Lluçanès region.

From mid-September to early December, the Lluçanès region is a great area to find mushrooms.

In early September and cleared pine, if rain has been generous, you may find “rovellons” and “pinetells”. The “Serrat de les Carbasses”, between Sant Agustí de Lluçanès and Gavarresa river, is a great place to find these species.

If you like mushrooms, the “camagrocs” or “fredolics”, you'll have to wait until mid-October to be lucky. Do not hesitate to look for woodlands and some ridges so it is the natural habitat of these species.

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